When it comes to regulatory changes in the marine industry, a lot of the impact falls onto fuel consumption, and fuel is the most expensive component of the maritime business model, representing up to 60-70% of total ship operating costs in times when fuel prices are higher.

This means that an investment in energy-saving solutions can help shipowners improve their bottom line by lowering fuel consumption annually.

A decision to use the most efficient pump on the market can translate to as much as a 25% fuel reduction.

Desmi’s pump range covers all marine applications and ensures a trouble-free operation with low energy consumption and high performance.

Desmi also provide an innovative energy saving system, which ensures optimization of pump and fan speed to current conditions and saves fuel. This system is called OptiSave™ and the benefits of using this system are:

  • Energy saving up to 90%
  • Short return on investment
  • Prolonged lifetime of pumps due to less wear and tear
  • Minimum changes in existing electrical installations
  • Proven savings from +575 systems in operation
  • Reduced OPEX
  • Worldwide service support

Learn more about Desmi or contact us at global@mopartners.global
